The biggest news story of 2009 with readers concerned the Conficker worm, which managed to infect a whopping nine million Windows PCs in just seven days in January. This was despite the fact that Microsoft had patched the vulnerability four months previously. It's a perfect example of why we should all keep our systems up to date with the latest fixes.
The second most popular story was about Google pouring cold water on a theory that lines on the ocean floor revealed by its mapping technology were the remains of the lost city of Atlantis, which sank in "a single day and night of misfortune" in 9000 BC, according to Plato.
Microsoft featured again in the third and fourth biggest hits of the year, this time about the Release Candidate for Windows 7, and Lenovo's plans to offer free Windows updates.
The rest of the top 10 was largely devoted to Apple and its hugely successful iPhone and iPod devices. The much anticipated iPhone 3.0 update arrived in March, but had already been cracked by hackers. Later in the year, Tesco raised the possibility of a price war by announcing that it would be selling the iPhone in its stores.
Apple, meanwhile, came something of a cropper when it appeared that it had tried to gag the owner of an exploding iPod.
Windows worm hits 8.9m PCs in a week
'Downadup' on the rampage
Google rejects Atlantis discovery claims
Search giant says ocean floor lines were caused by data collection process
Windows 7 release candidate date confirmed
Latest software will become available on 30 April
Lenovo to offer free Windows updates
More PC vendors sign on to Windows 7 update plan
Tesco to sell iPhone in possible price war
Reports suggest handset will be in UK Tesco Mobile stores before Christmas
Apple iPhone 3.0 cracked before release
Russian hacker claims first jail-break
Apple to unveil iPhone 3.0 software upgrade
Major rewrite on the cards
Pirate Bay trial comes to an end
Verdict expected next month
Apple tries to gag owner of exploding iPod
Company threatens to sue British family
T-Mobile unveils Cupcake update to G1 phone
Android device gets touch-screen keyboard and video boost
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