Streaming success
The Beeb's Top Gear was the most watched show on the corporation's iPlayer during 2009, with the first episodes of series 13 and 14 clocking up 1.7m and 1.3m hits, respectively.
According to the BBC, the year's total "requests for content" was 729.2m, with November marking "a record 88.2m requests for BBC TV and radio programmes."
Auntie's data provocatively reveals that "Mac and PS3 users prefer comedy shows like Mock The Week, while PC and Virgin Media users are more keen on drama, with EastEnders and Waking The Dead proving more popular."
Peak times for streaming are "after 9pm and on Saturday and Sunday mornings", the Beeb adds.
Erik Huggers, the BBC's director of future media and technology, said: "These figures show people are making the most of the choice they now have. Whether it's watching EastEnders on your PC during your lunch break, listening to Desert Island Discs on the bus or watching Mock The Week in bed, viewing patterns change depending on the time and location of the audience."
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